Podium and Lecterns Made In The USA

Are you committed to buying “American Made” products?

8 in 10 consumers say they would rather buy “American Made” products and more than 60% of U.S. citizens say they are willing to pay 10% more.

Purchasing “American Made” items creates a positive effect on the U.S. economy, keeps jobs here and revives U.S. manufacturing industries.

“Made In America” also means, that consumers are getting higher quality, durable, reliable and safe goods.

We get asked regularly if we carry podiums, pulpits and lecterns that are made in the USA. The answer is, Yes!

In a world of mass-produced items our “Made In The USA” podiums continue to stand out and speak for themselves.

We have several styles of Acrylic Lecterns that are “Made In The USA” and are perfect for any church, business or any other venue.

Other “Made In America” lecterns are our Wood with Acrylic. With the simple integration of wood and acrylic it makes them the focal point of your presentation, whether in a church, school or business.

We also, offer Solid Hardwood podiums and lecterns that are “American Made”, that serve well in many environments, including academic, corporate or conference facilities.


  1. Acrylic Lectern Model E. Acrylic Podiums are a very functional piece of equipment.  Perfect for evangelical church or any kind of business setting.

Acrylic Lectern Model E

  1. Wood with Acrylic Lectern 3304W. The simple integration of wood and acrylic will make this pulpit a focal point of your presentations, whether in a church, school or business setting.

Wood With Acrylic Lectern 3304W

  1. Handcrafted Solid Hardwood Lectern CLR235. This podium simply has the "Perfect Feel" about it.

Handcrafted Solid Hardwood Lectern CLR235 Counselor

  1. Multimedia Lectern KH120. The KH120 is our traditional style podium with raised panels and slanted dashboard.

Multimedia Lectern KH120

We invite you to see our selection of podiums and lecterns at www.podiumsdirect.com or contact us at 800-421-9678

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